

Softbol Veteranos Season 11 Week 37

The Elephants of the Veterans 1 team swept this weekend, as if to remind the rest of the competing teams who were the CHAMPIONS of this 11th edition of the Veterans League of the Project: "Softball, quality of life.” At second hour of this Sunday, December 8, in the thirty-seventh competition journey, they defeated the Jagua of the Veterans 2 team, 12 x 7 and at third hour, the Shrimpers of the Veterans 3 team, 9 x 5. Despite the expectations that had been created before this match considering the three consecutive victories of the same pitcher (Jorge), achieved by the Shrimpers in the same number of weekends, the Elephants grew and managed to inflict a costly defeat on their closest pursuers, who are now 11 games away from the top of the standings. This time, they did not believe in the star pitcher Shrimper Jorge Sánchez Rodríguez, who had them practically tied up and gave him a costly defeat, as if to make it clear who is in charge in this edition of the Cup. For its part, the Shrimpers of the Veterans 3 team, unfortunately lost the Sunday doubleheader, as they had fallen at first hour of the day against the Jagua of the Veterans 2 team, 19 x 12. The Jagua achieved a victory and a defeat this weekend.

Softbol Veteranos Season 11 Week 36

Finally, the Elephants of the Veterans 1 team, as the most notable note of Sunday, December 1st, managed to be crowned champions in advance, this weekend in the thirty-sixth competition journey when there are still three weeks left to finish the 11th edition of the Veterans League of the Project, "Softball quality of Life". With their victory against the Jagua of the Veterans 2 team in the first time of this Sunday with a score of 18 x 6 in five innings (knock out) the Elephants reached 46 wins placing themselves 9.5 games ahead of the Shrimpers of the Veterans 3 team, when the Shrimpers (closest pursuers) had 9 games left (6 games (3 weekends) remaining in the league, the two of the current week, plus one suspended due to rain, in week 5), insufficient to catch up with the Elephants. It was of no use that in the particular game of this Sunday, December 1st, they gave the Elephants a brilliant and spectacular 10 x 0 bleached in the second shift of Sunday. The die was already cast. To top it off, in the third shift, the Jagua of veterans’ team 2, left the Shrimpers on the field, which consolidated the Elephants' status as champion. Thus, the weekend was divided of honors, ending the journey with one victory and one defeat for each team and maintaining the differences of the previous week in the standings.

Softbol Veteranos Season 11 Week 35

In the thirtieth round of the Veterans League belonging to the Project: “Softball, quality of life” the three teams shared honors, therefore “el cuartico se quedó igualito” (all the differences in the standings remained the same). As a notable note, the Shrimpers of the Veterans 3 team managed to beat the Elephants of the Veterans 1 Team for the second consecutive week, staying 9 games from the top, still maintaining the mathematical possibility of being champions and extending for one more week the possibility of the Elephants being crowned champions early. The “magic” number for the Elephants to be crowned champions continues to be one (1). The Elephants, although virtually champions, have delayed their early coronation because their outstanding and powerful offense in the last three weeks has diminished considerably. These weeks they only managed to connect 29 hits out of more than 40 as a weekly average.