“…Also Be Known as Cuba TIES 2015”
The 1st Annual Workshop of Strategic Alliances for the Internationalization of Higher Education Will Also Be Known as Cuba TIES 2015
Excerpt from the minutes of the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the 1st Annual Workshop of Strategic Alliances for the Internationalization of Higher Education…
Whereas, after much deliberation, debate and careful consideration, the Organizing Committee has come to the conclusion that the Workshop name, The 1st Annual Workshop for the Internationalization of Higher Education is much too long to say in one breath, especially when it’s hot…
Whereas, the Spanish language title, El 1er Taller de Alianzas Estratégicas para la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior, as an alternative también es muy largo…
Whereas, the English acronym “WSAIHE” makes no sense…
Whereas, the Spanish acronym “TAEIES”, will sprain the tongue of most English speakers…
Be it resolved that this committee has decided to use selective capitalization so that the 1st Workshop of Strategic Alliances for the Internationalization of Higher Education (in Spanish known as El 1er Taller de Alianzas Estratégicas para la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior) will also be known as Cuba TIES 2015.