Authors interested in publishing in one of the scientific journals should email their contributions in Spanish or English via the registration form or the following email:
Articles submitted for publication must be unpublished; they should not have been submitted simultaneously to another journal and cannot contain plagiarism. Contributions will be written in Microsoft Office Word or Open Office Writer, in letter format, using Verdana 10 and simple line spacing. The upper and lower margins will be 2.5 cm (1 inch) and 2.5 cm to the right and left.
The types of contributions accepted by the journal are articles of:
- scientific – technological research
- reflection
- bibliography reviews or comments.
Structure of the works to be published
Submitted articles should comply with the following requirements:
- Extension between 10 and 15 pages long.
- Title in Spanish and in English (maximum 20 words).
- Full name of each author preceded by their academic or scientific title.
- Working place, country and email.
- Abstract in Spanish and in English not exceeding 250 words and keywords (between 3 and 10 in Spanish and in English).
- Introduction, in which the methodological design of the research is excluded; Material and Methods; Results and Discussion for articles of scientific- technological research. Contributions other than the one described instead these two last parts should contain Development and Conclusion; and Bibliographic references. In case of containing annexes they will be included at the end of the document.
Formal Requirements
- Pages should be numbered in the lower right corner with Arabic numerals.
- Titles items which are part of the structure of the article should be in black capital letter, other subtitles should be only in black.
- Formulas should be inserted as editable texts, never as images.
- Tables should be numbered according to their order of appearance and its title will be at its upper part. They should be in an editable text format. In the text they will be referred as: see table 1 or (table 1).
- Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned, and their titles will be at their bottom. They should be in .jpg format. They will be referred as: see figure 1 or (figure 1).
- Abbreviations will be accompanied by the text they define the first time and between parentheses and shall not be conjugated in plural.
- Notes shall be located at the bottom of the page, never at the end of the article and shall be number with Arabic numerals. They will have an extension up to 60 words. Those which only have citations and bibliographic references will be avoided.
- Annexes will be mentioned in the text as: see annex 1 or (annex 1).
Bibliographic references
Bibliographic references shall be adjusted to the Psychology American Association (APA), 6th edition, 2006. They will be written in the original language of the contribution used and non-reliable sources shall be avoided, which do not contain all its data. Within the text citations shall be quoted as: surname) year, p. number of page), if the sentence includes the author’s or authors´ surname or surnames. If this information is not included in the text the variant: Surname, year, p. number of page). The list of all the citation sources will appear at the end of the article in alphabetical order with French indentation.
Note: The Editorial Board reserves the right to make style corrections and the changes that it considers relevant to improve the quality of the article.